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(to add after the recitation of the Rosary during the month of October)
We turn to you in our tribulations, blessed St. Joseph and, after invoking the help of your holy spouse, we implore your holy paternal protection with confidence.
By the affection which united you with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God ; by the paternal love with which you have surrounded the infant Jesus, we implore you to look with kindness upon the inheritance which Jesus conquered with His blood, and to assist us in your power and help us in our needs.
Protect, O very wise guardian of the divine family, the chosen race of Jesus-Christ: preserve us, O most loving father, from all defilement, error and corruption; be ye propitious and assist us from heaven, O our most powerful liberator, in the battle against the power of darkness; and in the same way that you once snatched the infant Jesus from the peril of death, defend today the Holy Church of God against the enemy’s pitfall and keep her from all adversity.
Grant us your perpetual protection so that, according to you example and supported by your help, we may live holily, die piously and obtain eternal bliss in Heaven.